Barry Fitzsimmons
Team Involvement: Electronics Telecoms Consultant
Occupation: Retired
Contact: Email Barry
Location: Perth, Australia

About Barry
Barry worked with the PMG/ ATC/ AOTC/ Telecom /Telstra for 36 years, rising to the position of IT Manager. After retiring in 2001 he and his wife travelled the world and saw their 2 children become parents themselves and produce 4 beautiful grandchildren. Pat died of cancer in 2016 but not before leaving strict instructions to the people around her about getting on with life.
To start with he mostly supported Rosco through donations but finding he had spare time he decided to volunteer in a more hands on way. The term “Jack of all trades, Master of none” comes to mind but he will admit to a familiarity with things electrical, electronic and computer. Two of his best friends these days are Internet and Google.
As for cars and speed – he has had a go at stock car racing, rally driving and dabbled in drag racing. These days his daily drive is a Mitsubishi Triton dual cab Ute but to keep the blood pumping he also has a Mazda MX5 which he likes to whip around Barbagallo Raceway when the MX5 Club has a sprint day.